North-East Regional Development Agency fulfills the function of Managing Authority for the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027.
The new responsibility of North-East RDA is established by EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 122 of July 29, 2020 on some measures to ensure the efficiency of the decision-making process of non-reimbursable external funds for regional development in Romania, published in the Official Monitor no. 686 of July 31, 2020
The elaboration process of the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027 is carried out in close collaboration with the local partners, having as premises the real needs of the region.
The elaboration process of the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027
The elaboration of the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027 – implies its correlation, both with the existing planning documents at regional level, and with the existing regulations at European level, the proposed interventions being focused on the 5 main policy objectives (PO). of the European Commission:
// A smarter Europe (an innovative and smart economic transformation)
// A greener, carbon-free Europe
// A more connected Europe (regional ICT mobility and connectivity)
// A more social Europe (implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights)
// An Europe closer to its citizens (sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas through local initiatives)
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 – 13.10.2022 [RO] – approved by the European Commission
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 2021-2027 – version 30.05.2022 – submitted to European Commission
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 2021-2027 – version 10.12.2021
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 2021-2027 – version 15.11.2021
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 2021-2027 – version 29.10.2021
North-East Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 – version 16.04.2021
More details about the North-East Regional Program 2021-2027 can be found here [RO]:
Details about the architecture of the other operational programs 2021-2027, can be consulted here [RO]: